Can we get a few more players for Weds?
Helou. Mulla on ollut pitkään polvi kipeenä, joten kävin lääkärissä ja lähte ortopedille tuli. Pelit siksi jäissä pidemmäksi aikaa kunnes vika parenee/ tai kun syy löytyy... yt jm
Hei, minäkään en valitettavasti kerennyt mukaan, vaikka tarkoitus oli jalo tulla. Olin Aalto EE:llä koko päivän ja vasta nyt pääsin Otanimeen :-(. Toivottavasti saitte pelit pystyyn!
Huomiselle 1 lisää??
Dear All,
Good News!
The season is not over eventhough Unisport closes at Otahalli at the end of April.
FRIDAY MORNING games at 8-9am will continue at Arena Center, Hakaniemi.
The place is familiar to many of us from past, 30 meters under the Hakaniemi market square. The metro stop is 100 meters from the center. I have been in touch with the Arena center and made a deal as follows: May 3 - June 14 and August 16 - September 27. That is, we are going to have 14 games altogether. The cost is 50e/game. I'll be collecting the money from you once I get invoiced. Hope to see many players on
Yesteday I heard another piece of News: UniSport is giving up the Otahalli ball sports facilities (multipurpose hall and ballroom) and the operation of the facilities will be transferred to a new responsible party. This will not lead to any significant changes and the operations in Otahalli will continue as usual after the announced roof renovation is completed. The new operator will confirm the reservations for the season 2024-2025 during the month of April.
I hope that in October 2024 we would be able to contunue with the BIZ school funded game on Wednesday and our own game on Friday. More information later.
Best, Mikko
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