Olemme juuri saanut vielä virallisen vahvistuksen Otahallin kattoremontin valmistumisesta. Palloiluhallit on jälleen käytössä aiemmin informoidun mukaisesti 16.10 alkaen.
Muutama tärkeä ohje:
- Otahallin vastaanotto ja pääovet on avoinna: ma-pe 10-21, la 10-18, su 10-20
- Välineiden vuokraus onnistuu vastaanoton aukiolojen mukaan, tavarat tulee olla palautettuna 30min ennen vastaanoton sulkeutumista.
- Sivuovi on auki kaikkina päivinä 6.45-22.30, tänä aikana te ette tarvitse ovikoodia.
- Palloiluvuorojen käyttäjien pukuhuoneet on merkitty erikseen palloilumerkinnöillä.
- Huomioittehan, että teidän mahdollinen kaukalo tai sulkapallo kenttä tulee kasata ja purkaa oman vuoron aikana.
- Ohjeet kentistä löydät palloiluhallien ovien vierestä.
Tervetuloa sporttailemaan!
We have just received official confirmation of the completion of Otahalli's roof renovation. Otahalliwill open as previously informed 16.10.2024.
A few important instructions:
-Otahalli's reception and main doors are open:
Mon-Fri 10 a.m.to 9 p.m., Sat 10 a.m.to 6 p.m., Sun 10 a.m. to -8 p.m.
-Renting of equipment is possible according to the opening hours of the reception, the items must be returned 30 minutes before the reception closes.
-The side door is open every day from 6:45 a.m. to 10:30 p.m., during this time you do not need a door code.
-The changing rooms are marked separately with ball markings.
-Please note that courts (badminton, floorball) must be assembled and dismantled during your shift.
-You can find instructions on the fields next to the doors of the ball halls.
We look forward seeing you soon.
Ystävällisin terveisin
Heimon toimistotiimi
Dear Friday Morning Floor Ball Players,
The renovation of Otahalli has progressed well and from Friday, October 18, the games re-start on the familiar C-block field. I have received a floor ball invoice of 907,50 EUR for the Friday morning slot 8-9 am. The new operator charges fees in advance. This payment covers the games from October 18 until December 27, 2024. That is 11 weeks. We are 13 people who have committed to pay the expenses. The fee per player is 69,81 EUR. This message has been also e-mailed to all committed players. Please make a transfer to my bank account in Nordea, FI20 1134 3500 0107 99 OR use mobile pay, my number is 050 5504484. Please make a payment promptly. Thanks. The last game in Arena Center is on this Friday (one more player needed, so please sign in).
Best, Mikko
PS. Wednesday floor ball is back as well and starting on October 16. It is paid by the school. I’ll add the exact dates to Nimenhuuto once I get them from the new operator.
Otahalli renovation has progressed according to the schedule. Otahalli regular agreement shifts will be available starting from 16.10.2024.
Starting from 16.10. Otahalli will be open for use. In case of possible exceptions will be informed to those who these might concern.
We are currently discussing numerous practical issues, and we will send more detailed information at the beginning of October.
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