Dear All,
I am very pleased to let you know that the Aalto School of Business continues to cover the expenses of "kauppisähly" floorball on Wednesdays at 17.00-18.00. In addition, I am equally happy to let you know that 12 brave people commited to pay Friday morning slot at 08.00-09.00. That is, the games will return to Otahalli once renovation is completed. I'll complete next the paper work with the new operator and collect the payments of Friday slot in due course. The new operator requires the payments in the beginning of season.
Best, Mikko
Fantastic! Thanks, Mikko!
Mikko the goordinator (games coordinator)!
Ewald is all too hard runner for me in one-a-side match. Maybe next Fri…
The floor ball season kicks off tomorrow morning at Arena Center in Hakaniemi. We need one more, please sign in.
sori en pääse perjantaina. jm
Dear all,
I received yesterday a new pricing schedule/contract for Friday morning floor ball 8-9 am at Otahalli. As expected there is a big increase from the previous hourly fee of 41 euros under Unisport. Under the new operator, the price of our morning slot will be 75 euros + 10% vat = 82,50 euros. The roof renovation is expected to be completed by October 15th.
I need to get back to the new operator sometime next week and tell whether we take our slot on Friday 8-9am and sign the contract. The new contract is valid until further notice from October 15, 2024 onwards. Unless otherwise agreed, the new contract (year) will start on August 1 if the contract has not been terminated by writing no later than April 1. In future, the annual contract covers the period of August 1 – June 30. No action in July.
As this is a financial commitment from our side, we need to be sure (before signing the contract) whether there are enough players to cover the expenses. Perhaps it easiest to think what is the price per player per Friday game. Assuming 8 people will commit, then the price is roughly 10 euros per Friday game. The more player will commit, the lower is the weekly fee. As a comparison, in fall 2023 we had 13 people playing on Friday mornings and paid for it. The same amount of commitments would mean that the price per player would be around 6 euros per Friday game. To get a complete picture, just multiply the weekly payment with # of weeks (Fridays) we play.
I was in touch with Tapani yesterday, and both of us are ready to commit for 10 euros/week (that we think is probably close to maximum of our willingness to pay for Friday morning game)
I’ll ask you to confirm whether you are in or out. Please send me your confirmation ASAP but not later than Wednesday (Aug14) next week. The weekly price per player will be determined by the number of committed players. I’ll get back to you when I have received your responses.
Best, Mikko
Hi Mikko, thanks for your message. I'm out from the Friday sessions, but hopefully the Wednesday sessions continue.
I'm in.
Hope the school will continue paying the Weds sessions. Quite a steep price hike. That's more expensive than our futsal in Hakaniemi is, I think. Well, around the same price. But that's in Hakaniemi, this is middle of nowhere Otaniemi.
Out on Friday mornings as always. Working schedules show no mercy.
I also hope that the evening games will continue.
So, a person needs to commit to the payment, attending or not every match ?
Yes, in the similar way as before. I see no other solution.
I'm still committed to playing on Fridays, even though it doesn't look easy given the increased cost. I'll also try to join some of the sessions on Wednesdays...
I am in for all Fri/Wed mathes
Oops, not math but match!
I'm in. Fridays and Wednesdays always when I can.
I think we need more than 8 persons who commit, as not everyone comes every time.
Jukka is IN.
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